Homepage, Presentations


Eleni Kavvada

What is the story behind the brand?

I’ve been designing clothes for as long as I can remember. Before games, schools, classic childhood activities, design was everything. On paper, in my father’s newspaper or in my friends’ bags, I left my marks indelibly! Effortlessly and naturally, with a lot of support from my family and friends, the hobby became studies and studies became work. I studied fashion design in Italy and then apprenticed and worked alongside the fantastic George Eleftheriadis for 6 years. One day, without thinking for more than 30 seconds, as it was more of a realization, I decided it was time to leave and make an effort as Eleni, as a unit, as 240791.

With the scent of covid, my first steps in the space were surreal, as the theatricality and exaggeration that distinguished my pieces did not seem to match the introversion and insecurity of the last 2 and a half years. But this, after all, was also my weapon. When the brand began to be known for its special and creative character, I understood that it was a good time to also spend in the commercial, ready to wear part of the work, so that this career could be financially sustainable, but also bring me in contact with the actual buying audience.

How is the present for the brand?

So, moving into action, I opened my first store in Marina Flisvos, in Paleo Faliro and a little later the branch in Psirri, in Pallados arcade. My goal for “ready to wear” is to be made up of ideas taken from the most avant garde pieces, in harmony with minimal forms and shapes. The present finds me working on these 2 elements of the brand.

How do you see the future?

A lot of ideas, a lot of appetite, a lot of dreams, with a serious, however, essence of insecurity and reservation due to the signs of the times, make up the mood board of the present reality.

The rest is yet to come.

240791/ Eleni

contact info

instagram: instagram: @240791ek    @240791_ready_to_wear
facebook: @240791/by eleni kavvada
