Homepage, Presentations


Thalia Fotaki

What it the history of the brand?

Ever since I can remember myself, I’ve been involved in fashion. I can’t say for sure when this love began, but I can say that it was something innate in me.

I grew up in Crete, in a society where fashion, like any other art form, was treated with humor, as no one thought it could be a profession. I remember typical examples when I was asked what I wanted to do with my life: “are you going to be a seamstress?” I was told. “How are you going to make money out of it?” It was questions and suggestions like, “get another degree first and then go into fashion.” They were things I heard often. However, for me, fashion was clearly the one-way street, regardless of what the people around me were saying.

So, after two changes of Schools in Greek universities, without finding any interest, I managed to study fashion design. Before I even graduated, I founded the brand Deos Studio, and I have to admit that it was something that was not in my plans. But it just came up and I just jumped at the opportunity. It was something that came about because of the growing demand for the clothes and accessories I was creating for myself and my friends. After graduation, I returned to Crete, my home town, and created my first collection which consisted of leather bags.

Creating is my way of expression, my escape, my comfort, my rest. I draw inspiration from all things in life, from buildings, nature, furniture, people on the streets, even from a glass of wine and a pleasant conversation with friends. My vision is to create Limited Edition collections, which will be produced exclusively in Crete, supporting and promoting the economy of my place.

I am still at the beginning of my career in fashion and this is something I do not forget, I allow myself to make mistakes, learn from them and above all evolve.

What is the present for the brand?

The present for the brand represents the essence of knowing and being in touch with the world. The goal is to reach more and more people, not only in Crete, but all over Greece, so that they can get to know Deos Studio. At the same time, we are in the process of preparing the 2024 summer collection, which will delight with its variety and innovative design.

What are your plans and dreams for the future?

In the future, I have a vision to expand Deos’ collections by adding clothing, in addition to accessories, with a focus on ethical production. In addition, I plan to create a creativity space/showroom in my hometown of Rethymno, where people can visit, exchange ideas, see the products up close, try them on, while there will be the possibility of making personal adjustments to each person if needed. Anything else the future holds for me is welcome.


Nikos Papadakis

contact info

brand’s website: https://deosstudio.gr/
email: [email protected]
instagram: deos.studio
facebook: Deos Studio
