Homepage, Presentations


Ioanna Tsantaki

What is the history of the brand?

BLAMEYOURDAZE started in 2014 after I had wandered down different paths in the fashion industry in Greece and London. I always said that once the idea in me matured, I would make my own brand. It was a need for simplification, I wanted easy clothes, understandable and with personality, so that’s how BLAMEYOURDAZE was born.

What is the present for the brand?

We just moved to the best neighborhood in the world, as I call it, in Exarcheia. We now have a more direct communication with our audience due to the easy accessibility of our space, which now also functions as a retail store. This new condition has greatly changed everyday life for the better. I think the present is liberating.

What are your plans and dreams for the future?

Infinite plans and infinite dreams. New collections, collaborations, experimenting with new materials. Collaborations abroad, we pursue whatever offers expression and creativity to our vision. The possibilities are endless.


Photographer: Athena Liaskou

contact info

Zaimi 28, Exarcheia
e-shop: https://www.blameyourdaze.com/
instagram: @blameyourdaze
tik tok: @blameyourdaze
